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Changes Group & Empathy Circle


A Changes Group is a free-of-charge, peer-led group that meets so people can exchange Focusing and listening turns in an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect.

This Changes Groups is for starting or continuing your Focusing practice; no teaching will be done. It is a drop-in group so you can attend whenever you are available.

Here’s how our Changes group works:

  • We begin with a centering practice to ground in the body.

  • Check-in. We use breakout rooms of three or four people for the check-in.

  • Then we come back together to break into smaller groups for Focusing and listening in group of two or three, or you can join a larger empathy circle (see below for a description).

  • Finally, at the end we come back together in the big group for some sharing. 

Please review our Safety Rules

This Changes Group is open to people who have not done Focusing before. If you are new to Focusing, it is recommended that you either join a group of three, so you can observe before it is your turn, or choose to participate in the empathy circle (see below) a few times before opting for the smaller breakout group options. Please, feel free to invite someone who is curious to attend.

Empathy Circle option: This is a larger group experience. Typically four to nine people participate, with three or four people having Focusing turns of about ten minutes (we rotate listeners, and those who do not focus observe/witness), followed by empathic reflection from those who feel moved to give them. An empathic reflection is something you saw or felt in listening to the Focuser or that comes to you when we pause after their Focusing session; it can include physical sensations/felt sense, or a handle (a word, phrase or image) that came to mind. The empathy circle is a lovely way to participate in you first Changes Group if you haven’t Focused before as you can begin with a shorter turn or simply witness. And they are powerful, as many kind people holding space allows for deep healing work! Sometimes participants create a second empathy circle group.

Learn more about Changes Groups here:

The Changes Group meets twice per month.

We typically meet the first Thursday of the month at 11 am and the third Sunday at 6:30 pm. Times are in Eastern (New York Time) and we meet for 1.5 hours. The next groups are meeting:

Please register to attend and receive the zoom information. Note: only one registration is required. Once you sign up, you will receive the reminder emails, and can continue to attend the Changes Group whenever you are available.

Empathy Circles Focusing on a Topic

We also host a monthly empathy circle dedicated to a specific topic. See the page on Empathy Circles Focusing on a Topic for upcoming topics and dates/times. Please note there is a separate registration for these events.

Find a Focusing Partner Events

The Find a Focusing Partner events are an opportunity to meet with people who are looking for someone to meet regularly to Focus with. This could be for a month, many months or even years! The way it works is you simply join with the Changes link an hour earlier, and you can use breakout rooms to mingle with people, or be in the main room. I will provide a way for you to share contact information amongst yourselves more broadly, and you can also share simply with those that you’d like to meet with in future. These events are held three times a year, in March, July and November.

October 3

Changes Group & Empathy Circle

November 14

Focusing 101 Workshop